Sunday, September 20, 2009

Getting from here to there...

We are in currently packing to move. So I havent been able to write alot. I know I said I was going to try and write everynight but... what was I thinking. I am a mother of 3... so anyways packing has takin up all of my free time.

Zoe has a Dr apt tmrw, most of you don't know what has been going on with her so I'm going to try and explain.... When she was 10 months old she had a cold and she had a fever for 3 days of 102.3. So I took her to the ER and they wanted a urine sample to test for a UTI. They tried to use a catheter (on a 10 month old, i don't know why?!! I was VERY upset about that) and she fought them so hard that she got a hernia. Which we found out was a tumor coming from her lower abdomen. It was a lipoma tumor which is benign. She had surgery at 11months to have it removed. She has a yearly CT scan to make sure it isn't coming back. This past October they found cysts on both of her ovaries. So they did some hormone tests and some of her hormones came back high. So they did a MRI and found she has a pituitary microadenoma. Which is growth in the pituitary gland and is also benign. But could cause a number of problems. That is as much as we know right now. There are a few ways to treat it but we are waiting to see if her cysts grow. Tmrw we are doing an ultra sound. Please keep her in your prayers. Remember she is only 3 years old.

Peyton has an ear infection. At least I think he does. He hasn't had a fever yet but he has complained about his ear hurting. So I have been giving him Motrin and ear drops. Which seems to be helping. He has been a little bit more cranky then normal. Its hard to tell with a 2 year old, seems like they are always cranky. lol. He is getting better about being so attached to me... I think Jonah is growing on him. He Loves his Lil brother.

Jonah has been rolling all over the place. He is the happiest baby. We found a few pics of me when i was a baby and he looks A LOT like i did. He sleeps in the bed with us, the only one that has. But I told Phil that this could be the last chance i get to sleep with a baby. There is nothing better then sleeping with a baby. Anyone Agree??

So anyways. We are moving this weekend. I took the tots to see our new place and Zoe picked her room and its the smaller of the 2 so it will be good the boys get will get the bigger room. I am VERY happy to move. We have only been at this place since April but I hate it here. We have hard water and we have a lot of problems that the landlord never fixed. So I am excited, I just hate the packing part and the actual move. So I will try and update on Zoe tmrw night, but it will be a while after before i get a chance to write again. So Thanks for reading. Keep us in your prayers.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Threes company :)

Being a mother of 3 isnt easy at all to say the least. So I am going to begin writing about how I deal with being a mother {almost always alone 24/7} of 3 very beautiful children.

Zoe is 3 almost 4. She is very loving and very beautiful 3 year old girl. She has a beautiful heart and soul. When anyone gets on to her brother Peyton she gets very upset. She loves to do EVERYTHING on her own. In fact I only have to show her one time how to do any task and she can pretty much catch on from there. I love her strength and I admire her imagination.... She is also a very emotional 3 year old. She wants things all to herself. She is learning how to tell storys and keep the truth away from us.

Peyton is 2. He is also VERY loving. He has an amazing smile that would brighten anyones day. He is becoming more and more independent as he masters each and every task. He has a wild personality that I would kill to have. He is always happy go lucky. Always FULL of energy that i wish i could bottle up and save for him for when he got my age. lol. But I think he is afraid of not being ahead of Zoe. They fight alot, mostly because i think he wants to do so much that hes unable to do. He wants to be a "big kid" like his sister. He is a Momma's boy. I hope he always is.

Jonah is almost 4 months old and was born on Peyton's 2nd birthday. He is such a Happy baby. He looks alot like both of his siblings put together. He is by far my easiest. (thank you God) I nurse him and i didnt the others, im not sure if that has anything to do with how good of a baby he is?! He is easy to feed, easy to sleep, easy to make laugh... hes just an all around laid back baby. I always say... I guess God knew i needed a lil break. :)

So that tells you al lil about each... I hope to post everynight but we will see. Thank you for reading and G'night. :)